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Are GMOs safe?

By Rita Rector Guest Columnist In the world according to Monsanto, GMOs are safe. Their scientific study consisted of a 90-day rat feeding trial on NK603...

Ice Hunt characters make novel memorable

By Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist Deep within the Arctic Circle lies a secret former Soviet base, named Ice Station Grendel. It was accidentally discovered by an...

The power of print

By Mike Graves There’s an article this week in The New York Times called ‘The Curious (and Vital) Power of Print’ that put some thoughts...

Glenwood Senior Center News

GLENWOOD SENIOR CENTER NEWS By Mike Prince Hello, I hope you have a stock broker, financial adviser, tax attorney or investment banker to assist with your capital gains...

Examining God’s promise

One of the best-known but least-believed prom- ises of the Bible comes from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Rome. There, at the pinnacle...

He knows my name

It took me a long time to realize the way that God knew me. His thoughts for me were so great - things I...

The mystery of self-destruction

By Kevin Sartin Theology Columnist If you are a baseball fan (or sports fan period, for that matter) then you are probably familiar with the story...