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Tag: nicole tracy

Full Dark, No Stars

Nicole Tracy- Literary Columnist Full Dark, No Stars is a collection of 4 short stories written by Stephen King. All of the stories are connected via the themes of...

Book Review: River God

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist The story follows follows the fate of the Egyptian Kingdom through the eyes of Taita, a multi-talented and highly skilled eunuch slave. Taita is owned by Lord Intef...

‘Solitude Creek’ an unusually convoluted piece

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist Solitude Creek is the fourth in the Kathryn Dance series of novels by Jeffery Deaver. As the story opens, Dance, an agent...

To kill Atticus Finch?

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist Go Set A Watchman is the unintentional sequel to the classic American novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. To Kill...

Mortal Instruments are shallow entertainment

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist Upon opening The Mortal Instruments: Book 1 - City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, one finds oneself under the sparkling steel and...

The Ripper report

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist In late summer, 1888, there is a monster on the loose. History knows him as Jack the Ripper. Stephen Hunter’s new novel...

Political pundit produces children’s book, might not be best for children

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist Hitler’s Last Days is a juvenile companion book to the book Killing Patton by Bill O’Reilly. It is marketed for 10 to...

Four books for kids

Nicole Tracy Literary Columnist  There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Chick by Lucille Colandro is a reimagined version of the classic “There Was An...